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  • A 100% practical course
  • The opportunity to work with a wide variety of art equipment
  • To be influenced by other artists and cultures
  • To work in a variety of styles ensuring that you are continually challenged to achieve your maximum potential

How is Art assessed?

Pupils create a portfolio selected from work undertaken during the course. The portfolio must include one extended project and other pieces of work. This unit is worth 60% of the overall mark.

The externally set task (examination).
Students are allowed a preparation period of about 5/6 weeks in order to gather their research and work towards a final piece (or pieces). Students then sit a 10 hour controlled conditions examination to enable them to produce their final piece(s) to their chosen starting point. This unit is worth 40% of the overall mark.

What makes a good Art Student?

  • Someone who is creative, imaginative and capable of generating their own thoughts, ideas and opinions

  • Someone who is dedicated and hardworking

  • Someone who is able to focus upon an area of study for a sustained period of time

  • To be able to direct your own coursework based on a given theme

Where can Art lead?

All of the skills which are continually utilised in Art like being a good self-manager, an independent enquirer and a creative thinker are life-long skills which are essential in many walks of life.
